Who am I?
What am I
doing here?
Where am I
heading to?

I am a boy who likes to live in the wild imaginations. I
would laugh as well and deep inside; I would yet find myself so alienated from
the external world. I live in the small four-walled vastness of my mind. I am
often jolly but sometimes I get really moody. I fail to understand the sudden
swings in my moods. One day, I would be brimming with joy and happiness, while
another would see me down in the dumps with feelings of depression overpowering
me. I am a bit hesitant person and so I dislike attending public gatherings. I
believe I have low self-confidence which disables me to showcase myself in
front of the big crowd.
Coming to Sherubtse College and pursuing BA Media Journalism
and English, this is my second term and as I examine myself thoroughly casting
a backward glance at my life, I realized that I have made many mistakes and I
have learnt from it. At some point in life I had always felt I have that fire
to be a good freelance writer. And my passion for writing has brought me this
far to this very institute. Struggling really hard with assignments and trying
to meet with the attendance I have managed to make it to second semester and it
is almost coming to end too.

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