Monday, August 10, 2015

Far Beyond Behind that Hill

Far away in the distant hill
The golden red sun lies still
Making the sky appear lesser blue
With the shades of light red hue.

Far down into the depths of these hill
The bluish green river flows until
Joining into the great sea
And loses it's value of originality.

Alone am I here enjoying these beauty
The wind gushes through the same old tree
And gently swift across my face
 Never again forgetting to give me solace.

Far beyond behind that hill
Some unexplored world exist as I feel
Where age-old culture and tradition is still not lost
And happiness and tranquility is at it's true utmost
Untouched and untamed by modernisation
There exist, to me, my true Bhutanese nation.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


My thoughts will come to thee when far will I go
So far that I won’t come back.

May be I didn't existed in thy heart until now
And I now will become a memory to thee 
Thee will remember our talks and conversations
But I can’t come to meet thee then

It will hurt to think about me
But thee won’t see me then

Thee I love more than anything
Yet I can’t ever be able to prove it

Give hold to my love when,
When at last breath I’ll ask

If thee remember; come out and look up
In the inky night sky I would have become a twinkling star

Very far beyond thy reach I would have gone
But I’ll have left my heart here with thee

Don’t shed tears remembering me
Or else I won’t be at peace
Rest in in peace!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

If Bhutan becomes richer, do you think Bhutanese will become happier?


Bhutan is a small land-locked country sandwiched between two great nations of Asia where people are content with what they do and what they earn for their living. Country’s vision Gross national happiness depicts that country as a whole thrive together to be happy not focusing on Gross national product. Being rich doesn’t always mean everything. It is obvious that it can buy a luxurious and comfortable life but not a happy one. If Bhutan becomes richer, Bhutanese will not be happier because happiness is not based off of money, money does not buy happiness but rather it brings problems, stress, insecurities, threats, and anxieties. Happiness is a feeling we find within ourselves as human beings.

People believe if they had more money it would make them happier. Certainly having more money can make things easier at times, but it cannot take away all worries in life. Research has been done that money does not do anything to make people happier once their basic needs are covered. It’s an illusion to think that a celebrity or a rich businessman is happier than the average family man or woman. Hillary Nguyen (2005) claims that “as a child, I always thought that money made everything better. Until my family went broke and we no longer could do the things we used to be able to do or desired to do. We had to start watching what we spent and how we spent. After this experience, I’ve learned that I no longer needed money to be genuinely happy. Most people don’t know this and still haven’t figured it out.”

Being rich is not the cause of happiness, but insecurities and threats. In our society, people often put great emphasis on materials and possessions. If we are rich and we have more money, we constantly fear losing it. We are insecure that anytime we will be attacked and robbed. Our lives are in threats because in 21st century world people do anything for money. They even slaughter man for it. Thus, money is not the cause of happiness, but insecurities and threats.

More money can lead to causing more stress and anxieties. If Bhutanese becomes richer, they will start worrying about spending money thinking that their wealth will be reduced. People will start putting great efforts on becoming even richer causing them to be in stress thinking about how to make more money. Futrelle (2006) claims that “more money can lead to more stress. The big salary you pull in from your high-paying job may not buy you much in the way of happiness. But it can buy you a spacious house in the suburbs. Trouble is, that also means a long trip to and from work, and study after study confirms what you sense daily: Even if you love your job, the little slice of everyday hell you call the commute can wear you down. You can adjust to most anything, but a stop-and-go drive or an overstuffed bus will make you unhappy whether it's your first day on the job or your last.”

According to D.H. Lawrence, author of “The Rocking Horse Winner,” money provides everything but happiness. In “The Rocking Horse Winner,” Lawrence portrays a young boy named Paul who tries to win his mother’s love by gambling for money. Paul’s mother is very materialistic and solely relies on money for happiness. The theme of Lawrence story demonstrates how the love of money can be destructive.Many believe that becoming rich would make them happier in life; but does money really provide true happiness? Having the money to provide food, clothing, and shelter is essential for everyone’s well-being and happiness, but after these basic needs are fulfilled more money just offers materials not necessarily happiness. Today research explains that becoming rich does not necessarily provides happiness.According to Brooke (2010), “The relationship between happiness and income is complicated, and after a point, tenuous. It is true that poor nations become happier as they become middle-class nations. But afterthe basic necessities have been achieved, income is only lightly connected to well-being. Inother words, after a certain point, extra money does not correspond to extra happiness. TheUnited States is much richer than it was 50 years ago, but this has produced no measurableincrease in overall happiness. On the other hand, it has become a much more unequalcountry, but this inequality doesn’t seem to have reduced national happiness.”
It is crazy to believe that becoming rich can reduce stress and worry because most people want it live slightly above their current means and stress about bills, belongings, and health regardless the amount of income. For example, one study stated, “people report needing 40 percent more to reach a level they consider sufficient. If you earn Nu. 50,000 per year, you will need Nu. 70,000. But if you get a raise and make Nu. 70,000, you will soon need about Nu. 90,000. The more you have, the more you find you need” (Brooks). According to Buddhist great scholar Gelsey Migchhu thogme, our needs and wants are infinite. The more we have, the more desirous we become. We tend to want more causing stress and depressions when we fail to accomplish it. He asserts that becoming richer is the cause of becoming unhappier.

Bhutanese could be richer, but also be the depressed because we will not enjoy what we do for living. Money doesn’t buy sincere happiness. Money can only make us happy to an extent. It is not something that everyone can receive every day. Money cannot fix the problems, depressions, or low self-esteem. But it can be a major source for stress, insecurities, and threats. Money can buy a lot of things, comforts and luxuries, but it will never be able to buy happiness. Therefore, if Bhutan becomes richer, Bhutanese will not be happier.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Of Your Own Choice

While most people in Bhutan would view being of your own choice as a matter of joke, many friends, like my own, believe that being who you are and doing things of your own choice help shaping your life better and more fun. This is because life is a matter of chance and we rarely get this wonderful opportunity. We must live this life fruitfully enjoying every tic-toc of the time doing things of our own choice. We should be aware of who we are and must be ourselves all the time. At the same time, it does not mean that we shouldn't listen to our parents and elders. We must listen to them but we must also learn to filter and analyse because at the end, the ultimate result is going to hammer on us, not them.

Being your own kind and doing things of your own choice will better your life mentally and physically. You would not have to cry over a split milk regretting for the things which you didn't wish to do.In words of Bob Marley, "wanting to be someone else is the waste of person you are." Every individual is born with different talents , different potentials and different capabilities. You might never know what potential you have in you  when you do things according to others direction or commands. You will regret when you attain your 80s and after looking behind in your life to see what you have done and what you have been all these years. You would see nothing other than a Hypocrite. And at that very moment, you are going to be sorry for your life resembling not the way you wanted or desired. Do things Of Your Own Choice.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Who am I???

Who am I?
What am I doing here?
Where am I heading to?

 I am no different from others. I too have my own definition of life. Like any other I am an ordinary boy who is called by the name, Kinley Chophel but my friends know me as Kessie. I have my roots in Kangpara as my parents are from there. I am the eldest of the three siblings and being the eldest I had to shoulder many responsibilities and help my parents in running the daily household chores.
I am a boy who likes to live in the wild imaginations. I would laugh as well and deep inside; I would yet find myself so alienated from the external world. I live in the small four-walled vastness of my mind. I am often jolly but sometimes I get really moody. I fail to understand the sudden swings in my moods. One day, I would be brimming with joy and happiness, while another would see me down in the dumps with feelings of depression overpowering me. I am a bit hesitant person and so I dislike attending public gatherings. I believe I have low self-confidence which disables me to showcase myself in front of the big crowd.     
Coming to Sherubtse College and pursuing BA Media Journalism and English, this is my second term and as I examine myself thoroughly casting a backward glance at my life, I realized that I have made many mistakes and I have learnt from it. At some point in life I had always felt I have that fire to be a good freelance writer. And my passion for writing has brought me this far to this very institute. Struggling really hard with assignments and trying to meet with the attendance I have managed to make it to second semester and it is almost coming to end too.
Like everybody after graduating with good degree certificate, I have my own dreamt future which I want to make it a concrete reality. I want to render my fullest service to Tsa-Wa-Sum at first and secondly to support my parents and make them proud of their boy. I will strive hard to the best of I can and I shall be a good freelance writer someday. I also wish to publish novels of my own. I admit it can be a difficult task but what keeps me alive is the fact it’s not impossible.